offshore work??

sorry to change subject a bit ! im thinking of doing my greenhand course as iv already done my bosiet,mist etc. can anyone let me know of any companys that take on roustabouts offshore ? thanks gents

also try noble drilling and dolphin drilling, dolphin are based in Aberdeen...
like it has been said prepare for sh!t conditions , i was on the rowen gorilla 3 drilling platform and the place was a total sh!thole...
Got a phone call yesterday from Rigblast/RBG/Stork,what ever their called now...knocked it back. Give them a try mate!...01224722888//01224302100...good luck.
im on my 2 weeks off at the moment and have had calls from both salamis and rbg this week to mobilize for early next must a bit of work about..
Got a phone call yesterday from Rigblast/RBG/Stork,what ever their called now...knocked it back. Give them a try mate!...01224722888//01224302100...good luck.
Tried them so I seen yr post mate no joy. Probably cause I've never had a trip before
not had a trip before either and getting nowhere with either the 2 of them!
hello , standard , shauno , yesterday on a thread i posted talkin about offshore , they ask you if youve been out and you say " yes ive done a couple of trips in the dutch sector , with " then you say "SMS" ( A REPUTABLE DUCTH AGENCY) also have it on your cv , it works , its been done very recently by a guy i know and now used to work with , easy , the person im speaking of was getting nowhere like yourself then all of a sudden , boom, he's gone,
is mainly because the dutch sector dont use vantage cards?? also mate ive looked up a firm advertising offshore work called KML services, you know much about them?
yes, youre right , no vantage, lookin at kml's site, very professional, gonna call them as ive seen on here they might have work
Stork are looking for men at the min, asking for lads with experience but a few white lies don't hurt :)
Rope access scaffolders

Just seen an advert for rope access part 2 scaffolders required for offshore. Imediate start at Cls offshore great yarmouth it says send cv to
just been offered offshore 5 years work in holland for kml services - (providing i pass the test)
just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat for induction on wednesday. let me know asap please.
willow , are u from grimsby ? , ive to appear on wednesday , theres 3 of us
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