would you work with a polish scaff

The thing is I dont blame the migrant labour one bit...would'nt you do the same? Remember lads we did exactly the same in the 80's when we took jobs in Germany and Holland BUT as with those countries when the work dried up it was time to pack up your spotted hankerchief and skip back across the water. We are in the same situation right now with UK lads falling out of work by the thousands but the Goverment says it breaches their European Human Rights to enforce the migrants removal!!

We had a polish lorry driver /labourer called Valdi, he was the best lorry driver labourer I have ever come accross, he could find his way anywhere in London, I never had a complaint or speeding ticket. He could do 3 drops in a day whereas the english driver only managed 1 or 2 .I started off hating the ploes and ended up not being able to do without them. What can I say !
Am I very much mistaken or has the pole all but dissapeared from these shores. This area was awash about a year ago and now nothing. Is it the same in other parts of the country?
its a sad state of affairs when we are in recession and the greedy bosses want to screw their own people.i personally would rather not work with a pole or anyone else from outside these islands when my fellow british scaffolders are on their arses.i went out on strike last febuary and then again june due to foreign labour being used on NAECI sites and not being given the same rates and conditions AS PER THE NATIONAL AGREEMENT.I HAVE WORKED IN NORWAY,HOLLAND, TUNISIA AND AUSTRALIA,but the difference was i was more experience3d and qualified than the people already there and the country i went to wasnt in recession.OH and i didnt have to be shown how to do my job or be fast tracked into some moneymeking training scheme
Worked with a Romanian scaffolder with a part 2 CISRS that had a bit of an idea with system but not a clue with tube and fitting, how can this happen?
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