offshore work??

Brent bravo

Any one able to tell me what the Brent bravo is like heading out there next wednesday for a trip
Pretty standard offshore stuff. Shared room with tv. sauna, gym, tv lounge, pool table.

They even got sky digi plus boxes in the accommodation rooms on the Apachie forties Charlie :nuts: no fookin wifi though :mad: bein installed next week "apparently"
Hello guys, I'm scaffolder, live in Brazil, I'm 39 years old and am seeking work as a scaffolder in any part of the world. if they know something, contact me

Save every1 else doing this when they read it:)

Well, try Suncor (Fort McMurray/AB), they have a shutdown coming next month if I'm not wrong.

By the way, como que chamam scaffolders no Brasil?
Salamis are looking to recruit basic and advance scaffolders, they had an advert out the now you can apply by sending your cv to them by logging onto their website. Also cape

with regards to salamis, I have been messed about by them for 4 weeks. recently finished the Ekofisk Decom project this year and it didn't seem to matter. Called the woman that was dealing with the current vacancy 42 times in one day. goes without saying you better have some amount of patience if you want to deal with salamis. And it would seem im not the only one with that opinion
With the current situation with the choppers, every1 will find it hard to get offshore at the moment. A lot of boys will get downmanned n paid off which ain't gd, scaffs n painters r the first 2 go
I called salamis every 2nd day and got a start after a few months got my first trip in July and still getting trips.
Try salami pal their busy at the moment plus they've just paid a lot off then they want more scaffolders I work for them at the min on a big blasting contract
Cape looking for 56 offshore scaffolders to start 20 October ish you can apply by going onto their website.
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