Scotland, Independence debate

Good luck to them which ever way they vote, but I think Alec has missed a trick, they should be going as a tax free country, if they believe there is sustainability in the north sea. That would send shivers down Westminsters backs
if any of the members have seen the QUACKERSCOFF you would see the theory behind the missing link in Mankinds evolution.
@ Happy

I concur with your post old bean...I had not responded to the insults thinking that they were only rants from a Sun crazed poor Chap whom had been out in the current bun too long and thus showed compassion in not defending my Country, however, I see that you have summed it up perfectly...
I Just Thought He Was A Knob Myself But I Will Bow To Your Knowledge Garry.
Qatarscaff as me being a Scottish female living with my Scottish Husband in London home of many cultures I dont hate the English at all far from it! I think your living a bit in the dark ages on the we English hate the Scots and vice versa (and yes Im on my husbands account!) getting back to Scotland going Independant I personally dont thnk any of you lads have thought of the consequences that may happen should you all decide to vote yes, its not all about getting rid of the Tories, can I just ask where the hell Scotland is going to find cash to cover all the unemployment benefits? not to mention the housing benefits and council tax benefits for a start? they have already stopped free school meals in some parts of Scotland due to lack of funding, so then some kids will be starving as no cash for that, the benefits system would crumble, and where and how are they going to generate enough jobs for the unemployed in Scotland (which is dire last time I visited family it was worse than benefit street) not to mention the fund prescriptions and disability living allowance for the numerous amount of junkies that walk about like zombies day in day out? Scotland would never last the place is bad enough hence why we got out 8 years ago, I miss the scenery but thats about it I do not miss the benefit lifestyle which I saw daily there is a lot to consider you lads might have jobs at the minute up there but for how long? you need to look at the bigger picture, its okay for fat cat Salmond and his cronies getting free dinners everywhere they go but think about your families and the future my family are all in Scotland and I see how they struggle week in week out some looking for jobs getting dole money and being depressed just wait if i goes independant and the benefits stop then what do they do! sorry I think you should all vote NO thats coming from a Scaffs wife living the life (comfortably off as well in London!) lol
Thanks for your astute observations. They're duly noted, if immediately disregarded. I'm off to look at the lovely scenery, that is if I can see any over the post apocalyptic scene of degradation and heroin addled zombies you depicted. I forgot the streets of London are literally painted with gold with no social issues to be encountered whatsoever.
The skewed views of a upwardly mobile neo-torie if ever I've seen one.
'Vote No and come to London' you say, that will help rectify the inequality you speak of in Scotland, work in London and put your money back into the South East's economy, they need it, obviously.
Stay where you are love, Scotland won't miss you.
The fact of the matter is...Im not asking you all to come to London but I can honestly say what I have said regarding junkies is all true my family still live up there, I can also honestly say that in London its not like walking amongst the walking dead, and nothing wrong in making a better life for my ids, I certainly dont want my son growing up a chav around a drug culture thanks very much as for what I said about unemployment I am spot on every second person and thats being generous in percentage stakes is on the dole claiming handouts! FACT kids cant even get college places as everyone fights over them and the only way to get a house is to go the homeless route another FACT so no I will not miss Scotland at all, at least I have money and a life and I can walk about the streets here safe not waiting to be mugged by som jakball so off you pop go look at th scenerey just stay safe and make sure ur not jumped and mugged for your last penny! lol and Scotland are living in a bubble if they think going Independant will make the place any better what they going to do gas all the addicts and folk on the dole? FINANCIALLY THEY CAN NEVER AFFORD IT HAVE YOU SEEN THE DEBTS EDINBURGH CITY COUNCIL ALONE HAS??? clearly not pfft your hilarious!
You are aware that putting a post in bold lettering doesn't strengthen your argument, right?
'Kid's can't get college places'. Yes they can, and they don't have to pay for them.
I've got a house and never been homeless. Ask the scottish guys on here how many have had to go the 'homeless' route. Writing 'FACT' after each of these assertions also does not make them true.
Also, it's 'you're' by the way, not 'your'.

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money goes to money Mr Spanner.
londons great but you want to relocate jase?:eek:
there was a guy called jason used to come on here any relation;)
Freedom is overrated & not suitable for every one.

Footnote: I do enjoy a free spirit on the rocks in a wee tumbler.
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As with most debates, the truth is somewhere near the middle. Both sides have put strong arguments together and I can see benefits of both approaches. The people will decide - I just hope the voters have taken the time to hear both sides of the argument.
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