Ginny Wheel absailing

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Fair enough Paddy but I think for all our sakes we/you/moderator should pull that video off the thread. I'm guessing that Vancoover boy isn't over 40 with a wife and 3 kids to look after, hence the silly stunt.Think maybe he learned a big lesson today.
By implying you were young and probably didn't have any kids and just your c*ck to keep, I though people may excuse your actions,and put it down to high spirits.The fact that you have a house,mortgage,kids and a wife would suggest it was a careless thing to do.
I think you did the right thing by taking the video off the forum, I know 2 scaffolders who have been personaly fined by the HSE for lesser offences to the tune of £2000 each
Take care.
your stupidiy as been passed onto the training centres and the hse , live with your actions we'll see how it goes
Video has been removed, it's funny how it's the 3 people that i had an argument with the other day are calling me an ars.hole etc. Well I too have children, house to pay for etc. Apparently you must be the only ones that do. But i also have a job.:noworry:

i dont think you will have a job mate when your company actually see's The things you do for it ie. Bad Publicity . . . . . . .
all removed lets get over it , job done
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