Cape apply for Labour agreement to employ 1053 Scaffolders in Western Australia

The EBAs have been good as there has been a shortage of skilled labour. When the market is saturated with people looking for work then the agreed wages will lessen. Thats what happened in UK once all the training schools were set up and any Tom, **** or Stanislav could attend a course and get a ticket.
haha...see ya point mate...don't think the wages will go down though??/ hope not cos I'm still here and not sunning it up in the Phillipines!!
haha...see ya point mate...don't think the wages will go down though??/ hope not cos I'm still here and not sunning it up in the Phillipines!!

Just remember Pluto was a non-union project. The clients will want more of the same. Once Cape bring in cheaper labour the rest will follow and the unions will be powerless. Cast your mind back to Maggie Thatcher and her era.

courses, horses and donkeys mate.

experience, ability and a bit of pride. + loads of sunscreen!

14,000 advanced tickets already in WA, according to a worksafe bloke in perth i met?
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