Besc Training Providers


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Jan 21, 2010
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North Korea
Can anybody recommend any Besc training providers in the South East?

Also looking at the Competent Persons test. Does anybody know what it entails and is it royally difficult?
littlebrook powerstation dartford kent do the besc training a coach is there on a daily basis haven't got number mate but if you ring station reception there put you in the right direction as for the competent person good luck its hard even the national grid lads fail where its complex unless your going to get the dollar don't bother stick with the besc person which is pretty straight forward
if you study then you should be okay ive sent you a pm
Its far from easy benjo if youve been on the grid a while then you may have some idear with the exsam but you still need to have the experience behind you to pass it years ago you all went in the classroom and the person that did the course would pass the candidates if you think its easy fair enough but the everyday scaffolder would fail unless hes had a good read up its not all safety distances and t cards and speed limits were talking high voltage here they dont let any tom **** or harry start errecting scaffold yes some may find it easy the 10% that pass first time
Couldn't agree more 400kv, ive got the cp literature here and far from easy, worked a lot on the grid and personal responsibility and care is paramount let alone being in charge of others safety, you sound either wet behind the ears or maybe your talking about your persons course, will be taking both substation and overhead lines cp soon and its a good months worth of revision, or you might be related to gibbs so in that case your amazing mate ;)
You no the score joe you pass that demarcation with a tube then it could all be over elstree 6 years ago a firm with 5 scaffolders that broke the demarcation had a lucky exscape they broke a 21 over the handrail and hit 400.000 volts they should all be dead but the handrail earthed the 21 and saved there lifes and blew a hole in the ground. The reason the contractor is still on sight is it was down to the national grid for not makeing the demarcation wide enough and thou the scaffolders were at fault the blame was shared even thou the sap issues you the permit you can still tell him your not happy if you dont feel safe you could be on a murder charge
Sorry I've got mixed up your right it's the persons course I was thinking about. Although I remember a lad saying there's not much difference between them the cp course just goes on more about the paper work side
Far play to you benjo but believe me its harder thats why the main contractors have to use agenceys when there busy personally i think any scaffolder that has a competent person ticket should be payed £30 a hour min cos believe me the contractor charge the grid thosands and if anything goes wrong your in the frame as youve got the working party in your safe zone you take the blame if anything goes wrong 2010 you could charge £350 a day as there was a shortage of cp but these days they paye what they want
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Pain in the ass them zone things especially if you need one altering from the sap. I think our cp got about an extra 10 a day cus I said I wouldn't take all that responsibility for an extra 50 a week
Nothing on the grids a piece of p1ss benjo and I promise you those blokes take attitude and lads demeanor into account much more than your scaff credentials, there whole remit is 100% site safety, there rams rules and regs all stem from that, eg I had a wagon full of gear turn up from trad, because the guy we only issued the grid the rams for the driver to have bean bags surrounding the load as he unloaded it, that site specifically stated that they wanted handrails if he got up on the wagon nothing else, wagon got turned around new rams got sent and we started again the next day.....thats before you go in the live have to welcome what may seem the mind blowingly tedious because in the 400kv compounds of which ive done a fair few one slip and you are toast literally, its serious business on the grid and if you cant switch on to that then don't go near it as you will only put yourself and others in mortal danger....the positives are its the best working environment ive experienced as the grid lads are in a well paid job for life and the saps etc are the most generous with advice and knowledge and just want you to earn great money safely with no outside pressure or influence, seen it twice a sap telling the bosses of two big firms in no uncertain terms that if he finds out if anybody tells the blokes to cut corners or go quicker at the expense of safety the two big outfits would never get a grid contract again.....and the old school tie grid boys mean it ;)
you no when your close to a live conductor as you can see the spark on your spanner and if you've got a gold chain on it tingles thou its safe your only as safe as you want to be the national grid staff are great blokes and just want everybody to go home safe every day just wish the main scaffold contractors would paye what the competent person is worth instead of cutting corners with the payements this is one department where the agenceys paye the beter money
Your talking to me like I haven't worked on them pal, the 400kv bit you are a safe distance away is it 6m or somat it's the 0.3kv that give me the shivers cus that's more or less arms length away. And yes your right it is the best working environment
As for the handrails around the wagon that's the norm at my firm bean bags aren't allowed
3.1 safe working distance on 400kv so you've failed already banjo lol!!! but no where your comeing from
Haha I did it in June mate so I can't remember is I just remember the safe working distance from 0.3kv is about arms length, working arms length away from death is not easy ha
sod being in your working party benjo haha!!! you no whats safe and whats not that demarcation is a wall that's all you need to remember just don't pass the chain
Working around 400kv is a daunting experiance. I remember first time i did one at east claydon we were pumping gear up for the last lift, when breaking the long over you had to keep it below your waist to prevent arcing, and yet one pillok decides to pump it almost above head height, with every fecker screaming at him he nearly dropped the long 80ft back to the deck. Lets say he learned his lesson cos he was on the deck on the rope and wheel quicker than he could say " wheres my p45 ".
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