HSE Banning Ladders.

Maybe we do not need ladders, Who remembers "last one down buys breakfast" never used a ladder to get down a block of flats in record time to save paying for the breakie. And if you were last down and had to pay, you left the cafe first so you could take a crap in a bag of fittings and get it tied off ready to go up. Oh forgot, run like fek after it gets landed.

AYE been there done that.Ladders one of Graystons bosses used to say,what do you want ladders for?You're scaffolders not brickies!!
Brilliant but impossible to do on the hovering buttress unless you learnt the art of sliding upwards. This was taught on the part 1 course until 1989 but removed from the curriculum after one trainee split his knacker sack on an upturned band and plate.

I thought the hovering buttress was on the old part 2 course, not the part 1???
there never going to be able to ban em totally theirs always gonna be an exception
there never going to be able to ban em totally theirs always gonna be an exception

Apparently any one still using ladders after Jan 01 next year will be ruthlessly hunted down by the HSE. They will be fined huge amounts and all ladders recovered will be chopped up and burnt in the same way as they get rid of all that dope.
That must mean that step ladder are to be banned as well could this be the end of the scaff step?
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