Would All Scaff's On Scaffolder's Forum Please Read And Share This Post, Cheer's!


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
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Dear Scaffs,

None of you will know me [Jason Carter] and I am not a scaff, however my brother in law was, some of you may of heard about the Kensington incident on Monday 10th July. I can not stress enough how much of an impact this has had on our lives but if this message can reach even just one of you that don't take safety serious and makes you rethink then my job here is done and my brothers death would of saved another! Please don't get complacent up there the suffering and grieving we are going through is unreal please take a read and if you wish to donate then all our welcome and it would mean a great deal, be safe out there and wish you all the best!

On the 10th July 2017 my sister saw a post written by the sun explaining a scaffolder had fallen from a Kensington building, instantly she had a gut feeling, her beloved Jon was working in that exact same area. After trying to contact Jon with no success that gut feeling would soon be confirmed via the police attending her house, upon seeing the high vis jackets through her glass doors and the police removing their hats she knew exactly why they were there and what had happened. Jon was a one in a million and leaving behind a loving family including 5 children and a loving fiancée. Jon would often work 6-7 days a week to provide and support his family. This has been a complete and utter life changing experience that will never be forgotten by any of us. Any donations would go a huge way and relieve my sister of any money worries for a while to allow her and my nieces and nephews to grieve properly. Jon was a one off when they made him they broke the mold, he was loved by everyone including myself and he will be deeply missed. He wasn't just my sisters fiancé to me he is my brother! Rest in paradise, until we meet again bro

so so sad another brother gone rip jon condolences to all your family and friends please read what jason wrote and take time to think about what they are going through must be hell be safe lads n take care
I have Like all of us over a certain age done things we would never do these days but was very lucky to be able to be here to tell the tale , it only takes a split second or things to go wrong and as we all know the end results can be nasty.

I pray that our brother Jon may rest in peace and his family can somehow start to rebuild their lives.

I will be donating as we all should lads ,
So have a night in and send his children the few pound you saved to make his children's lives a little less painful
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