
It should be there any day now kev, tickets take anything from 4-6 weeks to arrive. A piiss take i know mate
i don't need it den but feel like being a bitch lol!!! if they did the photocopys right instead of being incompetent i would have it!! they messed up me cisrs part 2 paperwork and lost half the portpholio which cost me a day off work now theve messed up this piece of paperwork. i had a perfect ecitb advanced ticket you go back start again and still get shafted i ave no time for incompetence you or your firm paye the bounty it should be right at the end of the day glad this forum gets monitored may make Erith stand up and listen shouldn't have to ring cisrs to sort your problems out that's what eriths admins supposed to do!!!!
Correct boss. We pay these idiots to do a job that a fecking 4 yr old could do. Hope it gets there soon pal.
Correct boss. We pay these idiots to do a job that a fecking 4 yr old could do. Hope it gets there soon pal.

apparently den its supposed to be a 8 day turnaround from when cisrs aquire your paperwork so I no the training centres are dragging there heels problem with Erith kent rather than ring the candidate even when theve fooked up they just send all your paperwork back then you ave to re post it then it goes to the back of the pack then it gets sent off to cisrs not saying all training centres are wrong but Erith takes some beating it wernte just me that has been messed around theres been many!!!
apparently den its supposed to be a 8 day turnaround from when cisrs aquire your paperwork so I no the training centres are dragging there heels problem with Erith kent rather than ring the candidate even when theve fooked up they just send all your paperwork back then you ave to re post it then it goes to the back of the pack then it gets sent off to cisrs not saying all training centres are wrong but Erith takes some beating it wernte just me that has been messed around theres been many!!!

bad when you quote yourself :laugh: rang cisrs up today and asked where the ticket had got to thou the lady at cisrs was helpful she told me now that the ticket had been rejected and not sent out as the card bill hadent been settled she told me Erith hadent payed bill for ticket to be sent out!! even thou my firm payed the bill with card included. ive sent mr mosley a email with my concerns. thou me and mr mosley haven't seen eye to eye over the last 2 years with the ecitb issue hes been more than helpful over the last year lets hope this gets sorted sooner than later it just make cisrs look stupid with incompetence from the training centre. least you can air your frustration on here,
I believe mr Mosley had some kind of involvement with the training centre in the north east, the one that was still working to BS5973 up until last year as they hadn't got round to TG20:08. Not sure if he ever stood in the car park though
Why were they using 5973? What difference did tg20 make to the training centres? Maybe that's another thread, but was there much change?
Why were they using 5973? What difference did tg20 make to the training centres? Maybe that's another thread, but was there much change?

You know who told me about it, it was only noticed when a freelance trainer went up there to do some training.
I wasn't defending them or slating them, I just wondered how that was possible. They all build the same jobs as far as I can tell and if you have a drawing tg20 doesn't come into it but even at that I wondered what exactly changed for them as you are not off the floor that much to let it affect your brace and you are not sheeting so no Aberdeens. Tie patterns are tie patterns, did they change much, maybe got a couple of different grids to follow but that was for less ties.

There was probably lots of changes, I'm just struggling to think of them at the moment.
My last post didn't read how I meant it aom. What I meant was you know the person who told me.:D
I believe mr Mosley had some kind of involvement with the training centre in the north east, the one that was still working to BS5973 up until last year as they hadn't got round to TG20:08. Not sure if he ever stood in the car park though

Surely you can't be suggesting "honest Dave" would have been involved in anything untoward?
He was far too busy convincing everyone that ECITB was different from ASRE and reaping the bonus from that little escapade.
Just a rumour I heard , also heard there are a few photos flying around from his visit to the Philippines apparently they involve ladies of the night. Of course they are only rumours and I cannot confirm or deny whether these rumours are true or not :)
Just a rumour I heard , also heard there are a few photos flying around from his visit to the Philippines apparently they involve ladies of the night. Of course they are only rumours and I cannot confirm or deny whether these rumours are true or not :)

If the man was a scaffolder the photos would feature lady boys of the night!
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