Alloy towers


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2010
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Why is it that the demics that erect alloy towers don't have to abide by the same rules as proper scaffs?They get away with murder, there's one by where I pick up the lads,two 30ft towers bridged with spandecks.To access the spandeck you have to climb through the towers,no toe boards on the spandecks,pressure ties off the wall,friggin joke.Probably stripping the roof off it.What does my head in is you see these ********* in the pubs with teeshirts with Scaffolding on them,should be, alloy ****- erectors.There's a couple of firms in Liverpool,pay the men crap but keep them working till the death.
Philliomaximus just posted pictures of something very similar, have a look. I know it doesn't help but maybe make you feel better to know you are not alone.
Just noticed that. Does your head in but give them enough rope and they will eventually hang themselves.
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