AutoCad 2018 Issue

Jason Brawn

Aug 23, 2018
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Can anyone help with my issue?

I am using AutoCAD 2018 and when I'm importing PDF's of architectural plans, sometimes they convert perfectly into a usable format and the whole PDF in essence becomes one big CAD block and editable and I can add in my scaffold CAD blocks but sometimes when I import them, it converts them into something that resembles an image (Like an image file) that I cannot use, splits the image up into large defined blocks. So when I try and edit them, they remove large chucks of the actual drawing and just leave the text.

Hope what I say makes sense!

Have the PDFs you're trying to use been created using AutoCAD? If not, it could be that 2018 has trouble recognising the objects and vectors from another or older third party PDF creator.
As Nick says, if the pdf isn't an AutoCAD created version it wont recognise all the lines etc. If it is a scanned document you have no chance of converting successfully, it's best just to underlay then trace over it.
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