Treehouse scaffolding challenge !

Two replies

In answer to to everyone who's made a constructive suggestion; thanks very much indeed.

In answer to my new best friend Lewis1967:
(1) Sorry about the big tree. Can't be helped.
(2) Thanks for the useful information about the development of the 'camera phone'. Wonders never cease. May I introduce you to my last new best friend havespannerwilltravel ? What with him on the Iron Age and Industrial Revolution, and you on contemporary technology, you'll make a lovely couple. I'd have posted a photo of the location if it was possible to take a clear one, but it isn't. But if I had done, you'd only have posted a different facetious answer, wouldn't you? (No fibbing, now).
(2) Thanks for the suggestion on 'boiling my head'. I am eager to explore this novel approach to problem-solving further. What cooking time do you recommend? How do I avoid hard-boiling so that I end up wasting my life posting deranged messages on internet forums?

This treehouse will be built, even though it seems to require wading through a sea of trolls.

This is the age of CAMERA PHONES . for fcuk sake...

If this is not a p!ss take then upload a photo of the said branch and we can see your dilema.

Otherwise .

Go boil your head. If you dont have a clue how to support it anyhow. You wont have a clue how to build the tree house ...

P!ss take all over... Or a dumb sh!t that will kill someone doing what he shouldn't be doing...

If he has a tree with a branch that size in his garden then he can afford to employ a company to build him the tree house...

cut the fookin tree down & plant a shed with a jetty attached...sorted!!.
I have been involved in the design of temporary support to trees. It results in very complex foundation work and will, if left in place for any length of time, cause damage to the tree. The problem is that the support has to resist the wind and other environmental loads on the whole tree and prevent movement of the attachment point otherwise it is not effective in providing support. The fixity will cause serious damage to the tree over a period of time so is only a short term solution. You will find photos of tree branches that have been supported with trestles which are periodically adjusted but I suspect that a further look at the whole tree will show signs of consequent damage.
Founding a couple of standards in the bottom of a pond and fixing them to a branch will result in:
Rusting of the standards and base plate
Movement at the base eroding the founding material
Whipping of the support tower under wind loads
Dislodging of the standards giving out of plumb & loss of support capability
Chafing of the tree at the support point giving loss of support
All of these will lead to failure of the scaffold. If the tree house needs more support than the branch can provide, it will get broken apart by the relative movement of the branches and will collapse.
Any suggestion that this can be done without proper foundations is a little reckless.
In answer to to everyone who's made a constructive suggestion; thanks very much indeed.

In answer to my new best friend Lewis1967:
(1) Sorry about the big tree. Can't be helped.
(2) Thanks for the useful information about the development of the 'camera phone'. Wonders never cease. May I introduce you to my last new best friend havespannerwilltravel ? What with him on the Iron Age and Industrial Revolution, and you on contemporary technology, you'll make a lovely couple. I'd have posted a photo of the location if it was possible to take a clear one, but it isn't. But if I had done, you'd only have posted a different facetious answer, wouldn't you? (No fibbing, now).
(2) Thanks for the suggestion on 'boiling my head'. I am eager to explore this novel approach to problem-solving further. What cooking time do you recommend? How do I avoid hard-boiling so that I end up wasting my life posting deranged messages on internet forums?

This treehouse will be built, even though it seems to require wading through a sea of trolls.

Good reply steveo. Can't advise on "head boiling" but will be interested to see photographs of the finished treehouse.
Don't get too stressed about the facetious replies. Scaffolders are well known for having a wind up and taking the ****. All part of life's rich tapestry.
The only guy to ask in these matters is Tarzan he was an expert a tree dwelling
i havent heard much of him lately but with the central african republic,the congo,and rwanda all ready to go ahead hes probably shiitting himself up some treetop in the jungle.Sadly i think wee cheetas a gonner :cry:
In answer to to everyone who's made a constructive suggestion; thanks very much indeed.

In answer to my new best friend Lewis1967:
(1) Sorry about the big tree. Can't be helped.
(2) Thanks for the useful information about the development of the 'camera phone'. Wonders never cease. May I introduce you to my last new best friend havespannerwilltravel ? What with him on the Iron Age and Industrial Revolution, and you on contemporary technology, you'll make a lovely couple. I'd have posted a photo of the location if it was possible to take a clear one, but it isn't. But if I had done, you'd only have posted a different facetious answer, wouldn't you? (No fibbing, now).
(2) Thanks for the suggestion on 'boiling my head'. I am eager to explore this novel approach to problem-solving further. What cooking time do you recommend? How do I avoid hard-boiling so that I end up wasting my life posting deranged messages on internet forums?

This treehouse will be built, even though it seems to require wading through a sea of trolls.

It took you 3 days to reply .. (puts head in hand and shakes it) That is all you came up with. Poor show .... :rolleyes:
Haha brilliant! I have been threatening to build one in the garden for a couple of years. Timber kit ties, band & plate and use up some of the old steel ladder beams from the yard! Kid will love it, need to inspect every 7 days and after adverse weather tho ;)
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