offshore work??

I spoke with project manager today im down to go out 1st may if not b4 as long as wer all getting paid till check in eh
I emailed Anne n she said we will be mobilising on the 22 April that must be when we start to go out des m8
I've been told the 29th, was ment to be last Tuesday, then moved to the 23rd now the 29th. Absolute **** being messed about all the time :/
Start of may men cos it got put back. A was brought on 4 that an had 2 do a trip else where 1st
Areet lads done my BOSIET, MIST and Medical, been trying to get offshore for past 2 month now but nothing, got my cv in for salamis, stork, mc Donald's, cape, can any one help me with any numbers or jobs that's are starting to recruit ?

Not alot of work out there until middle of may mate, I'd take it if Anne's offering lol you had an offer from elsewhere?
Haha is there work over there? I'd love to get away from the North Sea if truth be told! I was on the jasmine for about 6month mate, jobs fukin crap but the accommodation is spot on!
That sounds brilliant haha :)) who you over there with? Works work mate eh? Take it wherever it comes lol
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