Foreign Labour and its Advantages !

Remember ' we are all human and have family to support ' it is no fault of there own if there country does not offer them a good life. If the shoe was on the other foot and we were knocking on there door and having to dig tunnels ' then you would be preaching human rights. Everyone deserves a chance!!!!!'n
quite agree with you sir. My objection is giving foreign individuals public funded backing to train.
Recruit stated " ..if our government can give them some funding and they show willing"

Why should we ever give anyone who arrives in this country to funding for a trade until we do not do it for our own across the board.

I have no objections to anyone who wants to graft and has the appropriate skills and knowledge base to work competently and safe. Like anyone else though - they should work - save their money then pay for their tickets.
Remember ' we are all human and have family to support ' it is no fault of there own if there country does not offer them a good life. If the shoe was on the other foot and we were knocking on there door and having to dig tunnels ' then you would be preaching human rights. Everyone deserves a chance!!!!!'n

"offers a good life" can be seen many different ways.
Everyone does deserve a chance. I am not saying otherwise BUT work and save - then pay your way to your desired roll.
Like alot of the guys here - Start on site as laborer - show graft, dedication and you might get lucky to pay for your tickets and work your way up.


Sick ov this hippy chimp
If you own a firm you need (these days) good men who turn up every day and strive to do the right thing if you have any chance of staying in business and make a bit of money to feed the beast you have created. Now depending on where you are in the country the quality of so called scaffolders does vary quite a lot. We have never used foreign workers but I can only imagine that if you get desperate and an army of them come over the hill willing to may be tempted...:eek:

I would be tempted at the reduced wage bill,but then again i would imagine you'd have all kinds of problems with things not done how we'd do them,not to mention the language barrier,more hastle than it's worth i think.
It's ok people ranting about the world .. What. About the risk a man takes in business and consequence of failing . Would you guys create a fund for me if I went under .. I suspect not . I think I. May be winning this debate :amazed:

right marra look at it this way you have paid taxes all your life your kid is out for work maby paid some taxes them self maby 2 3 4 5 years worth even and goes to the job centre and askes for funding to get back to work . they are turned down because there has been a European or other got his place on the course ? because there not british ? or look at it this way you got a bank account that you and a few people have paid in to over the years for lets says a retirement plan and then some 1 comes along and says right am in on this plan ow and by the way am not contributing anything to the pot as i dont need to am not british in the mean time 3 others have tired to get in with what they have saved over there life time and turned away doesnt make sence invest in the people that have invested taxez in this counrty no another we give europe enought money as it is
it's ok people ranting about the world .. What. About the risk a man takes in business and consequence of failing . Would you guys create a fund for me if i went under .. I suspect not . I think i. May be winning this debate :amazed:

british jobs 4 british workers.
I think I. May be winning this debate :amazed:

It's hard to win a battle of opinions.... especially when nobody's right and most of all, nobody's opinion actually matters.

I can't fault a man, regardless of where he's from, if he wants to work. Sometimes it's easy to get annoyed at people who work for far below what they should get and drive down the wages across the board, but it's far easier to get really, really angry at those who didn't put a penny in the pot and do nothing but take :suspicious:
Down in inchinnan at the minute doing my part1 there's a pole on my course paid for it himself as he's fed up being expected to work for shi t money and being treated like a mug, fair play to him I say!!! And just a thought maybe if our workshy fellow Brits would get off their arse s and do summat then we wouldn't need foreign people to do British jobs! I work on a site where there a lot of poles and they're being ripped off! I see it as a bit of fair competition to be honest I've yet to meet a pole that can do my job Better than me!!!
The first part of your post Wayne was bang on but work shy fellow Brit's, come on.
Hi aom, I'm sorry mate but I stand by that statement, but also not tarring everyone with the same brush, the point I was trying to make without actually saying it was, yes there aren't a lot of jobs at the moment... But how come there's plenty for the foreign contingent??? Is it because they're cheap? I don't think it is, I think it's because most of them aren't clued about their rights which gives unscrupulous employers, free reign to do wot the **** they like! And how many Brits do you know personally, no need to say but have a think, that just can't be arsed getting a job?? Right away without thinking too hard I could name at least a dozen!!! Grinds my feckin gears!!! Are these working polish immigrants not paying tax? National insurance? I know a few people on benefits that openly admit to fleecing the system, I have two fingers on my right hand that are fully functional, could jack the job anytime and live quite a good life on the dole, but I would prefer my kids to look up to their dad, and if I can hemp tubes and boards all day with a gammy hand, then I see no excuse why someone that can work doesn't work! Just sayin pal, that's how I see it :)
I agree with you to a point Wayne, your right I could name a couple of dozen as well, one even had the cheek to complain to me how unfair his life was becoming as he now had to pay rent and council tax. He plays golf at least 3 times a week and fishes a couple of times a week yet still qualifies for sickness benefit, it's not right. Our Polish cousins for me are well within their rights to live and work here, I have said a few times now their grandfathers earned them that right as long as it's a level playing field. Any I met earned the same as the local labour and some worked better than others but none of them left the average Brit behind.
Completely agree mate don't get me wrong, if u need it then fair enough, but benefits should not be an option instead of work, it's where a man should be during the day, as I say mate but hing wrong with a bit of competition, glad to have a job to be honest, benn on the other side as well trying to explain to some jumped up little hitler at the dole office what you've been doing to find work since the last interrogation!! So much wrong with the system aom, too much to ever sort out now I fear :(
Completely agree mate don't get me wrong, if u need it then fair enough, but benefits should not be an option instead of work, it's where a man should be during the day, as I say mate but hing wrong with a bit of competition, glad to have a job to be honest, benn on the other side as well trying to explain to some jumped up little hitler at the dole office what you've been doing to find work since the last interrogation!! So much wrong with the system aom, too much to ever sort out now I fear :(
In my opinion you're right on the money brother...bang on...
The problem with foreign labour is the employers pay them less to boost their margins (Agencies are notorious for this regardless of what they tell you), then when they price the next job the client knows they're going to get cheap labour so they expect the job done cheaper.
This means that every quote that the firm that employs cheap labour has done regardless of whether they can fulfill that contract has to be beaten or met by a British labour employer to keep us in work.
All foreign labour has done is keep prices and wages down (Thank you Labour) and kept the bailiffs and insolvency practitioners busy.
Did most of them not bale back home when the recession hit?
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