This is pathetic

Yes you are correct it is not a saddle, I just always use that term when I see a scaffold on a roof, and yes the ledgers are sitting on the ridge of the roof and picked up, you need to open the photo on scaffolders forum, right click on it if you are browsing with I/E,(click Save Picture As)by default it will save to your documents/pictures folder, now you need to go to were you saved it, open the img up, by default it should open with windows photo viewer, (unless you are using Nero or another program)now you need to rotate the photo, now close windows photo viewer and it will auto save the img to the rotation you have just created. Now go back to the same folder and open it up again, it will now be rotated the correct way (action Jackson) you can tank me for this…once open you should see a slider on the left to zoom in or out just above your Task bar…
If you realistically think about it, it would have been hard work to build that saddle on that roof from standing on just 2 inside standards, look at the distance from the inside standards to the wall the opposite side .the ledgers over hanging from the saddle, the cage on the top for the ladder, the outside legs were taken away temporally ..guaranteed and again welcome to the forum…don’t be so Igor to judge another man’s work before you know the circumstances…

Yes it wud b an awkward job 2 erect i will have 2 agree with scaff 1989. it wud ov been a hell ov a lot easier 2 erect it the proper way instead ov this eye sore. But lyk u say we r all allowed our own opinions
Jobs like this are a nightmare to do. Obviously the neighbour didn't want any scaffolding on their property. If they did you could have gone over the fence with the outside standards.
The householder should have gone round with a bottle of wine and a bunch of flowers to ask the neighbour before the wagon turned up. But we don't know the history of the people.
We've all turned up to jobs only to find no one has asked permission to go in adjoining properties and it's normally up to the scaffs to use the old charm to ask the neighbour if they wouldn't mind an erection in their back passage :O
Im sure you can go onto a neighbors property legally for necessary works.
Sort of a leaner aint
I think you have right of access for maintenance into a neighbours property if your property backs onto it. e.g the wall of your house is also the wall of neighbours garden.
If there is a gap between the properties like a passage way then you don't have a right of access.
I think it may depend on your deeds and even might be different between Scottish and English law but up here we make sure the PC is as nice as possible in these situations but if all else fails we go in anyway as everyone does have a right to maintain their own property and if that means going in to a neighbours garden then so be it.
This is why we have whats called 'Party wall surveyors'. Regarding general building works if an owner of an adjoining property witholds his concent for you to enter there is nothing you can do.
Had a Killby and Gayford job in Kensington 6 years ago with 4 adjoining parties, 3 of which witheld concent. We had all sorts of bridged and hanging scaffolds erected to complete their works. Design costs were astronomic. Interesting job though.
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