Harsco announce more depot closures

I have been told that there is a 25% pay cut coming to the remaining staff, I think it's only at management level but it's a f*****g big pay cut to have to take.
VERY VERY big to take... Imagine losing £200 a week or so...? It'll be a real f.ucking struggle. :worried:
wudv thought gb aberdeen would stayed open with the amount of work that stewart milne homes and construction gives them he has virtually every spare bit of land in north east to build homes on and that was majority of sgbs work
Hi Garry - I am Site service manager in Aberdeen n don't know what squad you mean coz closure a shock - I only started a prt 2 n labourer - not a squad on Monday ntold bout closure on Tuesday - n how are you coz ain't seen you for years
Worked for gb on and off once for 4 yr which is amazing as I get itchy feet real easy,sad to see what I consider to be one of the founders of our game go down,but as soon as the septic tanks got involved I think there days are numbered,I hope I'm wrong ,as they employ a lot of lads.
Worked for gb on and off once for 4 yr which is amazing as I get itchy feet real easy,sad to see what I consider to be one of the founders of our game go down,but as soon as the septic tanks got involved I think there days are numbered,I hope I'm wrong ,as they employ a lot of lads.

Every old Scaffolder ive worked with almost all come from SGB and all of them cant praise the Firm enough, as one of the best they have worked for.

Ive heard that in recent times that they are shiite to work for, but thats more then likely after they were taken over...

Sad to see Scaffold Great Britain fall by the wayside, kind of like our once great country... once great, now a shadow of its former self - but still fondly loved and not forgotten. :sad:
SGB’s demise started long before Harso got hold of them.
Way back in 1985 BET mad an unwanted bid to buy SGB (this I believe was the starting point)this news must have leaked out and Beazer made a preemptive stock purchase of around 5% but with an offer to buy 25%. This forced BET to jump in early and make their move before they were ready.
SGB, to protect themselves against an unwanted takeover were forced to look for a protection deal. During this era Clive Beck headed up SGB and his Brother Edgar Beck headed up Mowlem.
Mowlem were the “White Knight” protection deal for SGB. Once in Mowlem proceeded to sell off properties etc. to recoup their investment this. Mowlem then floated SGB on the Stock Market around 1997 finally selling what was left for around 95.6 million pounds (a lot of money in those days!!) The difference between Mowlem and Harsco was of course Mowlem knew the value of the name SGB and kept it to their advantage.
Over the last 20 years there have been some immense senior management fuckup’s and a huge amount of cash wasted on various management systems and rebranding exercises. The one exercise and rebranding strategy they would appear to have missed was to revisit the strategies in place when SGB made 37 million profit and everybody wanted to buy them. The same strategies that allowed SGB to survive the 70’s building strike and at least 3 other recessions that followed.
I read all sorts of BS on here about how bad people were treated by SGB, I had 28 years with them at every conservable level working under several different MD’s and several different owners. The wages were always right and always on time when my kids were born the MD of the day sent flowers to the hospital. In general SGB would give back to those that contributed but would not tolerate those who only took. A great number of people thought they were hard done by when they were found out but in truth if we searched deep down we know when we have been taking the p1ss.
The thing to remember is that scaffolding companies are not in business to keep Scaffolders employed, they are in business to put money in the bank.
As with all companies and management there are good and bad in both and I found I could no longer work with the bad in 2000 so I left returning in 2004 for 2 years to find they had not changed so again left.
It will be a bad day for the industry should the likes of SGB disappears, who will innovate, who will develop, who will train and advance our trade.
There is no love lost between SGB and I but what they have become is not a pleasant sight.
Spent many a happy year working at SGB one of the best firms i have ever worked for, if they had paid a bit more money into the wage packet i dont think i would ever have left [a crystal ball would have been handy years ago]

---------- Post added at 10:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------
Only going back 5 years and SGB where everywhere. Would take on all the big jobs and not even consider a job less than £100k. Nowadays they are a shell. Poor pay and low moral.
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