Edge Protection, Max standards Spacing


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
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Fleetwood / Qatar
I know there are 3 classes of edge protection, but anyone know the Maximum spacing between standards / puncheons? I believe it is 2.4m max.
hello scaff38 bigfish is right sg27:09 page 4 figure 4 shows horizontal dimension between puncheons of 2.7m max
our drawings always have 3m bays , any bigger and beams are used as handrail . i always used to go the full length of a 21 but dont think i would get away with that now

If you have a drawing then you dont need to worry what spacings it shows all you need to do is follow it. The person who did the drawing will now be responcible as they would/should have the calculations that allow the spacings shown. If they dont then they shouldn't be producing drawings. Then follow the load classes 1-4 in TG20
VLD 2.7
I know there are 3 classes of edge protection, but anyone know the Maximum spacing between standards / puncheons? I believe it is 2.4m max.

Just stick to SG27, it states 2.7. You will need to also check what type of double you are using for the puncheon as in class a or class b and does it require the puncheon to be stiffened.
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