Apprentice for sale


Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
i have one Apprentice for sale ,
he is a lazy , rude no it all little ****.
he dont do weekends and misses 3 Mondays a month.

offers around the 50p mark please

Stevie if you read this YES you are for sale mate :D
i have one Apprentice for sale ,
he is a lazy , rude no it all little ****.
he dont do weekends and misses 3 Mondays a month.

offers around the 50p mark please

Stevie if you read this YES you are for sale mate :D
Does he come with a warranty.
Hi Phill,

There is something of a glut in the market for apprentices such as this, I have a couple myself already. I feel the 50p you are asking for this particular little scroat is a little steep due to the decline in their value during recent times. With all that in mind it is for these reasons, I'm afraid I'm OUT. :laugh:
the no it alls are 2 a penny phill your be lucky to get 5p on to days market lol.
3 Mondays a month? Sorry you can get a lazy, rude know it all little ****
that dont do weekends which miss only 2 Mondays a month for around 50p mark....
Depends on his excuses mate. Whether he's worth 50p
Break him for spares. You'll get more than 50p for his kidneys if they're ok.
Is that lad still up for sale phil. needs some one to lick the frost of the tubes in the morning.
i need someone to warm my seat up in the wagon before i get in.

i will pay £1.50 , start at 645 finish at 730 each morning, no experience necessary, large butt an advantage!
£150 a day 9am-3pm
All we need is a small registration fee
Just need your account number and sort code
send your details to our secure nigerian banker who will take great care of you:laugh::laugh::laugh:
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