Scaffolding materials stock control software


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2012
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Whats on the market to help with the following

1. Inventory in and out from depot/s to projects

Depot = Warehouse 1

2. On project to different identified areas of each project

Project = satelite warehouse

Identified area = satelite warehouse 1,2,3 etc

3. On hire/ off hire and buffer stock on a percentage of on hire which can be tailored to suit client.

I can go on and on, but if there's something out there, you get my drift!:)
Scaffolding Software

Avontus has a billing and inventory management package called Quantify specific to the scaffolding industry. You an track each satellite yard and you can even track individual scaffold tags. It has a very powerful reporting function where you can allow your client to login and view reports as well!

Website: Home - Scaffolding Software Powered by Avontus
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