

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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Just got a cheque this morning from a customer who had no intention of paying us when he ordered the work. He really p1ssed me off when I finally got a handle on him, so hunted him down like the dog he is. It took me 18 months, 2 debt recovery firms and a court case we won back in December and he still thought he wouldn't have to pay, think he reckoned I would get bored before it would come to that. It wasn't a lot of cash and to be honest, I wrote it off a long time ago, but there is enough for me and the Mrs to get a wee sneaky week in the Algarve playing golf, beauty.

As for you ya fud, get that one right round ye.:cool:
Never give up on a penny that you are owed. If you do all the p155 takers will try it on. Bravo!
Fancy thinking a Scotsman would give up on an outstanding invoice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He must be mad.
Well Done Alistair, Too Many Toerags Think They Can Take The ****, It Really Gets On My Ruddy Nerves, Fekkin Crooks.
nice 1 aom its great when you get what you wanted its beter than what you were owed in the first place. nice darts mate!!
If you sit at the river long enough...... come on aom,.lets be havin yer!! you never really wrote that off did ya?? Did ya really;) Nice one anyway.
haha, nice one ya cheeky c@nts, I did write it off honest but all I could see at night was his wee rat face smirking which really really annoyed me. I have had some nice payments through over the years but this is up there with the sweetest.


Can you imagine the battle of wits when one Jock is up against another for a few bob?:laugh:

Can't wait to see Bob again.:cool:
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