offshore work??

3.4% Do not vote for this poor offer
Standard Time Cat B £18.60.up to £19.31 Up 64p
Chargehand £1.79 up to £1.85 up 6p yes 6p
any other info for all you offshore free loaders then
check out this on the web site you can see all the details witch will be agreed as it does every year with our Unite union the yes men of the offshore worker thats why the pay offer has only went up 50p every year for the last 27 years
Yes that's right every year its a done deal with the Untie and GMB they are the only Unions who can offer this to there members every year.
Now every year we get Unite and GMB members who have tried to get ballot papers for this proposal to accept or refuse but they never receive them.?
So we would like to know who votes for this every year and accepts this rise for around 10.000 offshore workers every year .
If any members or none members of the Oilc/RMT would like to make time for a annual meeting in Glasgow this year then come a long and raise these concerns with the Might Bob Crow.
He was the man that told the Oilc members to jion his RMT union as he would have a bigger harmer to hit the nail
So come and let him what you think of this offer every
Also the new offshore ERT medical,,Step up that Cape and Stork are telling there work force they must now have this to get offshore even if you are not in any ERT role
They want this as a basic requirement to get offshore
I have heard that the one in Aberdeen that Stork are using 26 inches in hight and you must perform this for at-lest 5/7 minuets while you are connected up to a electronic hart and pulse motioner heavy and may have to be done every 12 months
Now if you were seen 24 inches off the deck offshore with out any W@H gear you would be straight off the rig
So how can they make the troops perform this to get kicked inn
Ok they may say its not W@H but they are making us these rules as they go a long
If any has had this put to them by these to firms and had to complete this task to go back offshore and has No ERT duties then please raise this to there Safety reps and spread the word at your weekly safety meetings why you are been put under this pressure to keep yourself in work
and how these company's are breaking the W@H rules when it suites them
Now they might say you are not W@H when doing this step test but ask yourself this question
they area telling you to attend this practical training and medical if you want to continue working for them offshore
The Glasgow meeting is on the 12&13 of may at the Jurys Inn Address: 80 Jamaica St, Glasgow G1 4QG
All welcome .
So ask any off your fellow work mates for feed back on this new medical that these firms are putting in place
Yes that's right every year its a done deal with the Untie and GMB they are the only Unions who can offer this to there members every year.
Now every year we get Unite and GMB members who have tried to get ballot papers for this proposal to accept or refuse but they never receive them.?
So we would like to know who votes for this every year and accepts this rise for around 10.000 offshore workers every year .
If any members or none members of the Oilc/RMT would like to make time for a annual meeting in Glasgow this year then come a long and raise these concerns with the Might Bob Crow.
He was the man that told the Oilc members to jion his RMT union as he would have a bigger harmer to hit the nail
So come and let him what you think of this offer every
Also the new offshore ERT medical,,Step up that Cape and Stork are telling there work force they must now have this to get offshore even if you are not in any ERT role
They want this as a basic requirement to get offshore
I have heard that the one in Aberdeen that Stork are using 26 inches in hight and you must perform this for at-lest 5/7 minuets while you are connected up to a electronic hart and pulse motioner heavy and may have to be done every 12 months
Now if you were seen 24 inches off the deck offshore with out any W@H gear you would be straight off the rig
So how can they make the troops perform this to get kicked inn
Ok they may say its not W@H but they are making us these rules as they go a long
If any has had this put to them by these to firms and had to complete this task to go back offshore and has No ERT duties then please raise this to there Safety reps and spread the word at your weekly safety meetings why you are been put under this pressure to keep yourself in work
and how these company's are breaking the W@H rules when it suites them
Now they might say you are not W@H when doing this step test but ask yourself this question
they area telling you to attend this practical training and medical if you want to continue working for them offshore
The Glasgow meeting is on the 12&13 of may at the Jurys Inn Address: 80 Jamaica St, Glasgow G1 4QG
All welcome .
So ask any off your fellow work mates for feed back on this new medical that these firms are putting in place

It's the same on the Voe mate never seen a ballot paper, they must get lost at the gate....
Platers, welders and pipe fitters all walked off the site here tonight over the hourly rate. Can't understand them as it was the same rate last week and the week before that and the week before that. They knew what they were getting before they came here.
Platers, welders and pipe fitters all walked off the site here tonight over the hourly rate. Can't understand them as it was the same rate last week and the week before that and the week before that. They knew what they were getting before they came here.

Can't blame them walking out when they have to graft all night while non trades get to sleep and watch movies!

---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

Yes that's right every year its a done deal with the Untie and GMB they are the only Unions who can offer this to there members every year.
Now every year we get Unite and GMB members who have tried to get ballot papers for this proposal to accept or refuse but they never receive them.?
So we would like to know who votes for this every year and accepts this rise for around 10.000 offshore workers every year .
If any members or none members of the Oilc/RMT would like to make time for a annual meeting in Glasgow this year then come a long and raise these concerns with the Might Bob Crow.
He was the man that told the Oilc members to jion his RMT union as he would have a bigger harmer to hit the nail
So come and let him what you think of this offer every
Also the new offshore ERT medical,,Step up that Cape and Stork are telling there work force they must now have this to get offshore even if you are not in any ERT role
They want this as a basic requirement to get offshore
I have heard that the one in Aberdeen that Stork are using 26 inches in hight and you must perform this for at-lest 5/7 minuets while you are connected up to a electronic hart and pulse motioner heavy and may have to be done every 12 months
Now if you were seen 24 inches off the deck offshore with out any W@H gear you would be straight off the rig
So how can they make the troops perform this to get kicked inn
Ok they may say its not W@H but they are making us these rules as they go a long
If any has had this put to them by these to firms and had to complete this task to go back offshore and has No ERT duties then please raise this to there Safety reps and spread the word at your weekly safety meetings why you are been put under this pressure to keep yourself in work
and how these company's are breaking the W@H rules when it suites them
Now they might say you are not W@H when doing this step test but ask yourself this question
they area telling you to attend this practical training and medical if you want to continue working for them offshore
The Glasgow meeting is on the 12&13 of may at the Jurys Inn Address: 80 Jamaica St, Glasgow G1 4QG
All welcome .
So ask any off your fellow work mates for feed back on this new medical that these firms are putting in place

It won't be the first time that trade union officials have agreed to things without consulting the members who pay their wages oldscaff.
As for the medical these heavy duty physicals are now standard in some parts of the world especially in remote locations. I don't think that you can argue that the step up exercises are in breach of the WAH regs. They are conducted under medical supervision.
To be honest anything that ensures that only the fittest and healthiest are selected to perform the strenuous activities required offshore can only be a good thing.:eek:
Offshore Medicals
OGUK Offshore Medicals (formerly known as UKOOA)
You will need to pass an Offshore Medical Examination if you wish to work offshore.
The OKUK Offshore Medical is valid for two years and allows you to work in the UK sector or the North Sea.
An OGUK Offshore Medical at Abermed consists of the following:
Completion of Patient Questionnaire,
Urinalysis – routine urine test with immediate result
BMI – measurement of height, weight and calculation of Body Mass Index
Near Distance and Colour Vision
Pulse and Blood Pressure Measurement
Lung Function Test (peak flow)
Audiogram (hearing test)
Consultation with a doctor

ERT Medicals
Members of Emergency Response Teams (ERT) require a level of fitness which is assessed by an initial ERT Medical Examination. The initial ERT Medical is similar to the OGUK Offshore Medical with the addition of an ERT Health Review, Spirometry (lung function test) and a Fitness Test (Chester Step). An annual review including Spirometry (lung function test) and a Fitness Test (Chester Step) is required.

Now this both medicals for the Offshore worker
If you are in the ERT team and are * expected to dawn breathing apparatus then you must have the present ERT medical

* If you are not in the ERT team then refer to the standard offshore medical

* On the W@H regs and pros Stork have paid off some of the best lads out there for less

* We need to sit back and have a look at this New medical that they want for all basic offshore workers

* You have said that healthiest are selected to perform the strenuous activities required offshore can only be a good thing

* Thats always been the case .

* But as the work force gets older this is the move from these firms to get ride off the very best workforce thye have.

* All service and loyalty will go out the window if you can not pass this ERT to perform none ERT duties

* As getting back to the W@H if your company send you on a practical training course i.e. this Step up.

* and bye the way the one Stork are sending you on is 24/30 inch up from the deck and this is the only step.

* So from the deck to the step its up 30 inches No PPE or any other risk assessment has been look at .

* So why lets these new rules come in to play .

* I will tell you why they need this new weapon get rid if the long term workers who have giving them there lot.

* Some of these new Managers were not evening born when these lads were out there earning there living and building up there present company's profile

* We need more debates on this and the forum has to give as much feed back as we can get

* If any one out there can get the right hight of this step up and the privet company Stork is using I would be grateful,

* I have spoke to a few collages on this and if wee can get the right info then we will have a go at this.

* Cheers fro now and get your feed back on the forum
Forgive me for sounding repetitive but has anyone heard of anything happening or anyone manning up offshore? I've been in contact with the big 3 and various agencies but just get the feeling I'm being fobbed off, I'm going to be a green hat so I know I'm going to be at the back of the queue but a 'NO!' And put the fone down is a bit harsh!!
Keep hassling cape lots in the pipe line nxt few yr dont give up get on phone every day.they will start u in the end when u ring at just the rite time.sometimes its agood idea to email couple of times a week u will b ok mite just take a while.good luck anyways mate
On behalf of a fellow scaffolder I know who is looking to get offshore, anyone got any direct numbers to companies recruiters. He says it's always answering machines he gets.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If your mate looks back through the 109 pages of this thread like I did I'm sure he'll come across a few helpful phone numbers and email addresses.

---------- Post added at 09:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 AM ----------

102 pages
Bad news 3x3 this is putting conditions back 20 years working longer hours and longer trips
I have only heard rumour's IE Apache forties field
Have you heard of any other operator panning out these rumour,s
There is panic at the moment don't know why as there are plenty off choppers coming in to Aberdeen
I got this from a mate on the forties, this seems to be the approach for giving everyone a window seat although heard nowt from other operators.
A big step backwards IMO.
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